Lots of my friends are starting their uni life in a month or two. Lots of people encourage me to get into uni and at least get a degree. Some even tell me that in future, if there's no degree, i might suffer. But uni fees arent that cheap. Is it a garentee that if i get a degree i'll find high pay jobs? Even so, there's no course that interests me in uni. If that's the case, why should i waste 3 years forcing myself to study something that i wouldnt like? I might as well live the life i've chose and live the life that i prefer. I feel that i'm much happier in the way i am now. Since i'm interested in languages, i'll set my determination to work hard and study hard for it. Since it's the road that i've chose. But good news is that way before my lessons even start, i've been self revising on my own!! This had never happen before in my education life. Studying and preparing shouldnt be used on me at all. This proves how much i'm looking forward till i could fully speak and write jap!! haha. i guess that's it for now. I'll try to update my blog at least when i've off days. To keep my friends updated from my life!! ^^
PS: Thanks Zu for reminding me.. Dear friends let us meet up soon ya.. I've missing all too!! ^^ **Feel free to tag me!!