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I wish that you were mine.
Monday, October 19, 2009

Hmm.. Let me recall what i've been doing through my vocation..

Mon: Working full day..
Tues: Driving lessons from noon, when it ends, head straight to work till 10 plus..
Wed: Driving lessons from noon, when it ends, went home for slight rest and went to teach tuition..
Thurs: Driving lessons from noon, when it ends, head straight to work till 10 plus..
Fri: Wed: Driving lessons from noon, when it ends, went home for slight rest and went to teach tuition..
Sat: Working full day..
Sun: Working full day..


Well, only occasionally that i went out with friends or went out for movies after work..


HAHAHA.. But i guess i could feel slightly richer when i receive my paycheck!! =D

My school officially starts today!! (Which also mean that my blogging might start officially again today!!) Not too bad.. Short day.. Time flew past fast if not including lecture. I chit chatted through out not bothering to listen.. =P

Well, at least i got into the same class for all subjects with most of my closer friends.
Cas.. (OH NO~~~ Opps.. =P)
Zu.. (Noisy as usual..)
Denise.. (As weird as usual..)
Shiyong.. (Dumb starfish..)

Jordan had a subject different.. Oh well.. Still have to survive a sem with him i guess.. Haix.. Hehe.

Realise all my school days are short. Other than Thurs whereby there's a 3 hours break in the middle. Still debating on what i should do for that period of time.

Went shopping with my Sister.. A fair harvest~~!! Guess it's time for me to catch up with my shows.. Tata.

OH!! Interesting pics through god knows from when.. Hmm.. But difinitely after i changed to my spare phone. (I dropped the old one in the drain and it officially died off immediately.. Haix.. All things gone. Including all contacts. Thus, those who message me from now on, please tell me who you are first or else that would be what i will reply you back first. =D)

Images taken from some scrapbooking megazine that i think is interesting. I took it while my collegue were busy with the settlements..

What does this allow you to think of first??

There's an empty circle in front.. By shifting the G and adding a D beside shouldn't be that hard or expensive and it will allow it's meaning clear!! My collegue commented that i think too much. But she laughed at first sight at it. I'm sorry that it misled me~ or us~~ I guess americans or australians doesn't thinks the way chinese thinks though. HAH!!

School starts today!!


The gigantic lollipop that i found in my brother's room when i sneaked in..


I just can't resist taking picture with it though i'm in PJ chit chatting on the phone!! (o^_^o)


What i've been surviving on through my working period. Almost 1 daily. A good investment for a day's hardwork!


While my intructor left me alone in the car. Apparently my leg's quite short that this is the maximum i could take without taking of my seat belt. HEHE.. =P


This pathetic looking muffin's is actually my brother's 26 birthday cake. We couldn't be bothered to buy a delicious looking one. But he had the honour to finish it all by HIMSELF!!! HAHA!!


I guess that the older you get the smaller your cake goes~~!!! HAHAHAHA


PS: Happy and Sad, Exited and Disappointed. Stop checking out on me or try to sneak something out of me. NO chance!!! Humph! =X

Will my tears please go back.. 11:19:00 PM


Temasek Polytechnic


I watch him from a distance
I love to see him smile
I wish that one day he would be mine
And not only for a while

I wish that I could tell him straight
To have the courage to say,
“I love you and I wish that
your feelings were the same”

My heart beats as he comes towards me
only to walk on by
I’ve to tell myself he’s only a friend
and keep as calm as possible, or otherwise

I wish, I dream, I hope, I yearn,
That we could be together one day
And I would make him see
that I am his only one.


Him!! (Opps =D)
My Family (*Sis)
C-GALs (& their bfs)
Sleeping (everyone sld noe)
Eating sweet stuffs (yum..)
Shopping (not a big spender)
Day-dreaming (me & my own world)
Loves ALL of the above


Him again =P
driving license!!
Overseas dream fulfiled
better grades this sem


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