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I wish that you were mine.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Realised i havent been blogging for almost a week. Not that i don't have anything to blog about, but more of too many thought crammed in my mind that i don't even know what i could blog. Lol.

Firstly, last friday.. I don't know at all where all my emo-ness comes from. Probably due to the fact that i felt ignored by everyone. That's lame. But ya.. Slightly. Especially from my family. My very kind partner commented that i'm already 18, what else do i expect. Why not say that me myself don't even know why would i still get so affected when i'm already so used to this all along. FangQi jsut said that no matter what i'm still a girl. No matter how old i am i would still want to be cared for and not be ignored. Wahaha. anyway, this topic is getting really silly. I got over it but still slightly bothered by it only. =D

PS: My stupid partner finally realised who i like. So dumb. Even the girls in my class that wasn't even close to me knew without me intending to let them. Anyway, he started to disturb me a little. Thanks. That proves how much Jordan cares about WeiQi after knowing her for so long.. FangQi comment: Tell him that he's vey dumb!

Went to work on sat. I can see that i'm so hardworking. Though i'm really tired and shag, i still drag myself to work. My school friend asked "Aren't you tired? You have to clock in and out of school from 9am to 5.30pm daily, have to teach tuition every wednesday and friday and on your weekends, you still have to work! Where did you find time to rest from?" I'm dumbfolded. My mind go blank of what i could reply with. In the end i just replied that i don't often work on both days of my weekends. But still, i asked myself.. 'Why am i working so hard for??' I don't spend money much. I don't shop alot. Normally unless i see something that i really, really, REALLY like, i won't buy it at all. I'm just saving for my licence.. Working really really hard for it. Not that i really like driving or will have a car to drive afte ri got my licence, it's just that i wanna prove myself to my family. Just prove that i could rely on myself to do what i want or what my mum wants better than the rest could. I know it's lame and stupid but that's just want i feel like doing for now. But seriously speaking, i'm tired.. Really tired of some things.. But i couldn't change anything.. Not a thing at all...

On sun, it's my day off. I cut my hair as i can't stand it. The weather's so hot that i feel that my hair's that think to trap all the heat. Went shopping for groceries with my dad after my hair cut and received info from zihui and kwanhoe that it's zihui's grandmother's birthday and all is invited to go her house and hangout/play. It's near where i am thus i just went over when my dad and i finished buying everything we needed. I went over and as usual, all the gambling gangs already started playing mahjong. LOL. Expected. Well, we started another table not long after but it was a cute one. We sat on the floor and used a rectangular coffee table. That's cute. The people using the normal table and chair were playing very intensely that they were silent and quiet. Although both tables were playing the same amount of bet, those on the ground ones were playing very very noisily and high, extremely hyper. (And people, not that i'm at that table okie.. =_^ --> anyway, where ever there's weiqi, there's fun. =D Hehe.) Had quite alot of fun. Intending to win some pocket money back but didn't at all. Loss a buck in the end. That was sad! Accompanied babe for bus looping one big round so that we could chat. In the end, she persuded me to make up some mind again. Believe me.. She might even be on the verge of exploding.

Nothing much happened on Mon. Other than there's some serious traffic jam in the morning whereby the bus were taking like forever. I'm very lucky or should say smart that when i see my bus coming from the other side, i dash across the bridge and caught up with my bus and luckily escaped from the jam after a few stops. But, i reached school around 8.10 to 8.15.. So early.

I had a conclusion that day that guys don't like replying messages at all.

Reasons being:
1. Didn't see the message, after a long time than see it and decide it could be ignored already as the situation or thing's over already. (I know i always do this.)

2. They are inexperienced in messaging girls.

3. He's just not that into you. (I got this from the movie title.)

Guys like replying thing that are short and no link.

E.g. 'Ya.' 'lol' 'lol thanks'
1. He's not interested.

2. He don't know what to say. (Equals to inexperienced.)

Now i know the reasons for people getting angry at me for not replaying. But i did try my best to improve alot already. (I'm serious.) But i'm starting to get annoyed by people replying me with short simple messages especially a work and i super super HATE the word 'lol' now. It is sooo irritating!!!!! If that's all that you could reply, what you expect the other party to reply you with. And if the other party still could continue, that would be something considered as lame and annoying.

My irritating partner commented that unless the girl is super chio or with damn big boobs, he wouldn't reply or reply boringly to the girl. Thanks lot Jordan. (BTW, the above isnt meant for jordan at all. He's just one of them..)

That's it. Conclusion for guys: Why hold a phone when you can't even be bothered to reply properly. And for your info jordan, your phone wouldn't even ring the whole day. That's right. Just wait and expect other's to call only whn needed. That's so GUYS~~~ Argghh..

Nothing much happened on tues. Other than i'm forced to go home not long after i reach school by jordan to take my laptop to school as my school com's spoiled and it's hard for us to only survive with one com.

PS: I missed my bus that evening but i'm not sad or annoyed by it at all. Haha. =D

Will my tears please go back.. 10:17:00 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Arghh!! I feel so angry! Okie fine. Not angry. More of dumb. I fell seriously asleep in bus for 2 days straight. Ytd i nearly miss my stop. Luckily some kind girl thinks that i might be from tp and try waking me up. Haha. Today, i woke up by myself but getting so used to having concession, i forget to tap when i alight. I feel the pain there. Lol.

There's practical lesson later. Scared!! Haha. Hope i wouldn't do dumb things. =D

Will my tears please go back.. 8:52:00 AM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For the past 2 days, have been spending all my time in school at Cas's lab. Lol. Practically did nothing for my project. Haha. (Btw.. Jordan's on mc for 2 days again. That's why. =_=)

Stupid Cas when we were left alone on Monday.. She look funny here..

Boring Boring Boring..

TODAY, i just spend my time in my own lab trying to do my project but didn't do in the end. Lol.. Watched youtube videos in the end.

I'M SO INTO SUPER JUNIOR NOW!! Like their dance soooooooo much!!

Went to T1 for Frolic ice-cream after lunch and didn't wanted to move our butts as the music played by the shop's super nice and catchy.

Taken while we're making our way there.. She keep complianing about a small patch of rashes at her chin area. Please~~ I can't even see a thing la. LOL.

I'm having my driving lesson tomorrow. So scary~~ Pray hard not to 'pua any funny stuns..' Haha.

PS: The race's still going on.. But slowly.. =D

Will my tears please go back.. 6:14:00 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009

Last week, i was given 2 days mc to rest. I went to doc on Thursday and got myself mc!! However, i woke late and since my mum wanted to eat lunch so she decide to accompany me there and went for work straight. When i'm at the clinic, the nurse asked what am i here for and i replied flu and cough. (Really mah..) Then she ask got fever, i replied not sure. And she just gave me a mask to wear and when i look around the quite pack clinic, i'm the only one that need to wear and people started 'siam-ing' me.. =/

My mum commented that i look funny like an alien and she took me pic. Haha. Can you even see if i'm smiling?? Good news is, i don't even remember if i did or not. LOL.. =P

Went home at around 3 plus pm and had to get ready to go out again as i meet my sis for movie at downtown. In the end, my first day was gone before i knew it.

On Friday, due to my mc, my dad was allowed to be at home as his company allows him 5 days mc leave per year to take care of sick family members. It was a weird day. I did not sleep early, thus expected myself to wake late. When i wake up, expecting the time to be around late afternoon. In the end, it was 9.30! I got shock a little but decide to go back to sleep. Sadly, my dad found out that i was awake. And he started bugging me to stop sleeping. Lie on my sis bed and chat, asking hell loads of questions. (Random ones.. He's just trying to stop me from sleeping anymore. =_=)

When my mum wake at around 10, my dad left and went back to his room. Quietly thing 'Ahh.. I could finally go back to sleep...' Just when i close my eyes, my mum came in. "Wahh only 10am ar?? Go change your clothes. Go out eat with us then i can go work. After that is up to the two of you." So, my official wake up time for Friday is 9.30 when it was my mc day and i got dragged out easily just like that!!

After my mum goes to work, followed my dad settle his bills, go ntuc income, bank, supermarket.. blah blah blah.. I reach home at 5 pm and he said " There.. From now till the night you could rest.." as i keep complaining. "Thanks. I have to teach tuition at 8.30 later." He just laugh and smile. *Rolling eyes.. There you go.. A wonderful day for me to rest.

On saturday, went to work. Finally realised my shop's name. Okie fine. I didn't know how to spell or should say not that sure. Haha. Will find out again next week. Anyway, my supervisor was named Cynthia. She kind, sweet, a super big fan for anything pink especially with hello kitty. But overall, she guided me and another new part-timer through all the training sessions. So, particularly on Saturday, she "practically" just throw the cashier to me. I know she meant well and wanted me to try.. But the system is just so hard to use and there's damn lot of things to remember!! I will panic at the sight of never ending queue!! So scary!! Especially when all the bills were no less than 50 and over hundreds. Just one wrong transaction will just suck off all my blood!! But she just ask me to take my time and don't panic. I just hope that they could hurry up and change a new system for the cashiering. But, Cythia just commented that "Oh well, just bear with it for this few weeks. Somehow, we've survived with this system for years!!!!!!" Crap. That means, i still have to learn and remember or DIE.........

Travelled down to JunHao's house for steamboat. Delicious!! But, somehow it's kind of boring. They were all watching the Harry Potter series 3 on channel 5 when that's a show that i'd watched over and over again for a million times. And somehow, before the steamboat even starts, the usual gambling gang started to set up the mahjong table and started playing!! *ROLL EYES

Thus, dinner was seperated to two different rounds. But the 1st round got to eat more good food and it's pretty obvious which round i'm in.. =P


Wow.. Two Hawt guys sitting beside me.. Look at the back. They can't be bothered to eat. Seriously, they are all gambling freaks..


This were already the second group of people playing. They just keep changing. The rest escaped the fate of being shown as gambling freaks.

The pretty ladies. I didn't have the rest of the nice pictures. They were in other better cams..

This two irritating fella trying to act as though they were couples. Oh please..

We were bored. So these were out of randomness.

Played usual BlackJack.. And i lose this time. So sad.. My 3 bucks flew away!! Sniff sniff.. =P

Went home at 11 plus and crashed cab with PohSiah and Wenn..

On Sunday, cycled to ECP to meet the rest for Fiona's birthday. It's not really celebrating. More like hanging out together. Got really pissed at first for the rest to not be on time.

We just mingled around mostly, chit chat and laugh.

Our act of lesbianism before the rest reach. Randomness..

Reach home around 9pm and i got to see my show. But i went back slightly earlier as i'm really forbidden to cycle at night especially from ECP.. Watched my show and drop dead infront of my tv. Woke up when it's like 1 plus am to off my com and get back on bed. I'm tired.

My Zi Lian pic of the day.


PS: I saw pictures of him and his friends. Not really sure why but there's a certain jealousy there. I'm just jealous for nothing. Crap.

Will my tears please go back.. 8:47:00 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'M HOME!!! Bit early huh.. Went to smrt again to meet the staffs. It's kind of erm casual talk. Main purpose is to take some big file and discuss about the next animation clip. Well, we ended early. Actually, we could be earlier if it wasn't to waiting for some guy over there who was stuck at a meeting and couldn't appear. Anyway, our teacher gave us his chance of taking the cab and let us take it. So, i cabbed home. WAHAHAHA..

Main issue that happened to me.. I'M SICK!!! Like, AGAIN?! Haix. Sorethroat.. Flu.. Blocked nose.. Cough.. Everytime i cough, i feel like vomitting.. Aww.. I feel tired and sleepy. Got to go teach tuition later. Need to control my coughing times later. Haix..

PS: Somehow somewhat, i plucked up my courage and be more proactive a little. It's not really working out that well. It makes me somehow sad but not so much as i see that there's effort put in somewhere. However, i made up my mind to at least keep trying little by little. It might not be working out. But, i could control my feelings more now and wouldn't brood into things too much. =D Cheers.

Will my tears please go back.. 5:04:00 PM

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Just finish jogging.. Waiting for my body to rest and dry up before i go take my shower. Whoa!! The feeling's very very shiok. Though tiring of course. Well, this was a planned before hand thing so i've nothing to complain about. However, early this morning, though i was real early to leave my house, but seeing that there's 2 bus coming at the same time after 8 mins, i panicked and ran. When i reach the bus stop, there's only 1 min left till the bus come so lucky me. Took the 2nd one and though my bus trip, it was quiet as most people boarded the first i guess.

Around in the morning, before lunch time, i was slacking at Cas's lab. Someone called me and half expected that it was Jordan as he wanted to go home for Mahjong. Not to my surprise, it was really him.. However, he called not to tell me he's going back but just said "Eh.. Faster go bus stop!! I left my hard disk there!!" I just replied "huh?? Serious ar??" and before i realise, i already leave the lab and had started running. I ran to the usual main gate bus stop and i can't anything around and he called me again.. "You know which bus stop anot?? The second one leh.." Cursing and swearing and i gasp into the phone at him for not mentioning it sooner!! Thus, i ran all the way from the first bus stop to the other and asked him where he left it. I look around and ask the people there and they told me that the cleaner took it away. The only cleaner i see was somewhere in the school not far away so i ran back into the school and ask if he saw any black bag. He just tell me it's not him and is some cleaner from the outside. I asked where he is now and to some great help he told me it was a cleaner riding a bicycle and pointed to the direction of a third bus stop.

Thus, i started running again!! Before i reach the third bus stop, i finally saw a bicycle some where far away. I stopped to take a small break and walk fast instead. To my despair, the cleaner was boarding his bike and was riding away!! WTH.. I just can't bear to run so far and see the cleaner just went off. Thus i started to shout.. What i shout i didn't remember. But after some shouting and yelling, the cleaner stopped and realise someone was chasing him. When i reach him, i didn't even have the energy to speak but just pictured out the shape with my hand. He nod at me and took out Jordan's hard disk. FINALLY~~


In the end i recovered it and that ass hole came back happily in a cab. *Rolling eyes.. Well, he said himself that he owe me some expensive lunch. Well, i deserved it. Slowly stroll back and not forgetting to relate the story to Cas and Denise. They commented that i'm too good and Jordan's not worth. Actually, half of me was thinking about the important things inside like our project. No matter what, it's a good thing that it's recovered. Just that i got very tired after which.

Had lunch at TM as it was raining heavily when we were walking over to the opposite. After our meal, we walked around and shopped for something for ShiYong's birthday. We bought a wallet from topman in the end. As Cas and Denise did not have any good record with the lab supervisor and technician, we decide to go back soon as early as we could. And i returned to my own lab to sleep and play game. Enjoying right?? BUT, tomorrow is the start of our project again as we received out new assignment. Aww... But i'm sure we will still find time for fun and leisure. =)

PS: Comfortable feeling. PS PS: Felt great after exercising. =D

Will my tears please go back.. 10:07:00 PM

Monday, July 06, 2009

Realised i blog but keep never finish typing and save as drafts thus guess i posted 3 days straight of blog. LOL.. So here goes..

Time flies quite fast today. It seems that i didn't do much thing and the day is ending already. Overslept a little today and i missed the last bus that i could take that loops around and still be on time. Thus, i crossed the road like before but in the end, i couldn't board at least 2 buses. Realised that what i've been doing every morning, waking up slightly earlier was completely genius as it's the correct thing to do.

But, i still reach school on time.. =)

Did nothing much seriously, movies movies games games lunch lunch break break.. That's about it. Interesting huh. But there's some seriously fun things that happens. Like posting funny pics and tagging eveyone in for fun, etc.. Btw, Denise passed her Btt too so has Cas.. So FangQi!! Better buck up, don't be lazy!! Book and read the book if you really want to pass!! =D

PS: Wasn't expecting much but things got slightly complicated within me. Well, can see there's a 'trying hard' in between lor. So funny and cute. Anyway, realised i might be eating too much these few days. So, decide that since tomorrow there's nothing to do at all, i might as well go jogging. Hope i'll be able to drag my papa with me. (He needs exercise!!)

That's that. Tata~~

Will my tears please go back.. 6:58:00 PM

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Cassandra accompanied me to the chalet!! Btw, guess i forgot to mention that the so call make friend chalet was this week instead of the last and i can't push it away. In the end, i still have to push away all my plans and tuition just to go. It turned out not bad.. Got to know my sister and brother's friends. Watch midnight ice age 3.. It's not bad, funny.. But i drop dead entirely at the ending. I couldn't take it!! But overall, i guess i caught most of the funny parts.

Was so tired when i reach home. Not only not enough sleep, drank a little too that's why the temptation of my bed is stronger. I took a nap for like 1 hour or 2 and have to drag myself up to complete my animation and render to send before the day ends.

PS: Overall isn't that bad. Had fun though. But i'm sure if it's a few years back, i would've enjoyed it more. This proves that "我比較成熟了". LOL. Just out of random-ness. =P

Will my tears please go back.. 5:55:00 PM

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wanted to take mc for Friday but didn't in the end. When i reach the doc, they were out for lunch thus i don't even bother to wait and left. Still debating with myself whether to go Fiona's birthday celebration, decided that i should go home and change first. I board up the first bus i saw to go home. But, i missed the first bus stop due to messaging, half expecting the bus 32 to go straight to the 2nd bus stop near my house instead, it turned around a corner. What the hell!! I forgot that this bus wouldn't go straight. Cursing and swearing at my stupidity, i realised that the bus could go to Poh Siah's house and i might as well go over as the rest going to Fiona's chalet were all gathering there. Nearly lost my way AGAIN when i missed ANOTHER bus stop that i should alught but luckily, i remembered the street name and could walk from another bus stop. Amazing me huh. Lol..

Went over, played and little bit of card games, my luck wasn't that bad.. Had some chit-chatting session with the girls and realised that no matter how long i disappear or MIA from the clique, they will still be the same old clique that i could rely on and i could easily blend myself in again. With this thinking, it makes my cold heart feels warm though the night. I seriously love you guys!!! Though things might change sometimes but still, we're still together and will still be.

PS: Why do i have this stupid feeling that i might be irritating him or be too meddlesome at some stuffs. Whatever it is, i'm just trying to help. I don't wanna get hated for anything. I just can't stand anyone not at their usual self or sad and bothered about things. If it's me, fine, whatever,, I can't see or take note of it. But if it's other people, i just can't pretend i didn't see that something is wrong. Maybe i'm just too 'kpo'. Maybe i should change this meddlesome character. I guess some people would just prefer to be left alone. To think of it, i'm like that too..

Will my tears please go back.. 11:59:00 PM

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I'm super bored now. Was watching prison break while waiting for my animation to render and there's this Bi*cH supervisor walk over and saw what we're doing. She walk over by my table and wait till i close my show before walking back to her student. Irritating!! She's at the lab beside mine now, probably talking to the head of the both labs. I hope she won't try to do anything funny and cause us trouble...


Okie.. Today's really not a good day for project. Just when i finish complaining about the supervisor, a guy who came over to use the PC beside Jordan just switch off the main power of his PC 'accidentally' which affected Jordan's and my PC. The worse part is that the power supply that he switch off links up only 4 PCs and it stops exactly at me. The PCs of the guy beside me onwards were totally unaffected and they were not even there sitting in front of their coms. Our PCs just shut down instantly! FISH!! My animation is rendering halfway and i did not save any backups as it was an edited file!! Urgh!! Now i have to wait longer and re-edit again. The guy keep apologising and all that i could say was 'never mind'.. I mean what else can i say?? Scold him? Nah.. I'm not that kind. It's just my luck.. D=

I just reach home. I don't feel well.. =( Headache for a few days already. Keep feeling full when i'm already not eating as much as usual. Out of a sudden i will feel very warm all over my body, out of a sudden i'll be freezing in cold, suffocating as it's harder to breathe this few days. What the hell lor.. Wanted to go see doc tomorrow but i have my PR1!! And my timing is like 3 plus, thus even if i go home after that it's quite useless. Think i might go see doc on fri depending on my situation.

Btw, i got into the job that i went for the interview. For now it's training once a week, and a fewhours a day. I'll be slightly busier but i won't have to stress too much about my pocket if i spend a bit too much for that week if i have an extra job. ( I threw in too much money into my driving account.) Happy~~

Okie i will go eat dinner. Tata for now.

PS: It's a friendly conversation. =D

Will my tears please go back.. 11:05:00 AM


Temasek Polytechnic


I watch him from a distance
I love to see him smile
I wish that one day he would be mine
And not only for a while

I wish that I could tell him straight
To have the courage to say,
“I love you and I wish that
your feelings were the same”

My heart beats as he comes towards me
only to walk on by
I’ve to tell myself he’s only a friend
and keep as calm as possible, or otherwise

I wish, I dream, I hope, I yearn,
That we could be together one day
And I would make him see
that I am his only one.


Him!! (Opps =D)
My Family (*Sis)
C-GALs (& their bfs)
Sleeping (everyone sld noe)
Eating sweet stuffs (yum..)
Shopping (not a big spender)
Day-dreaming (me & my own world)
Loves ALL of the above


Him again =P
driving license!!
Overseas dream fulfiled
better grades this sem


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