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I wish that you were mine.
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Woke up early today at around 8.50am. Feel super refreshed. Had a sense of achievement that i packed my area just now. Wakakaka. Plus, i hand-washed my dirty bags and smelly shoe. Feel so tired now.. My hands are sore already. But still feel glad. I'm super super super bored now, not knowing what i can do. Hmmm.. Stupid sister. Wake up late, should be slept super enough but still keep giving black face. Hmm. Don't understand at all. Unable to disturb her in case of finding trouble, i guess i'll just have to go disturb my daddy then. Lol. Hehe. ^_^

PS: And btw, sometimes, i blog but didn't have time to complete it, i would just save it as draft and only post it when i have the time. So don't feel weird if you see the previous day/s post suddenly appearing. You could look back sometimes too to see if you miss out any parts of the posts. (Especially for those dumby ones--Fangqi. Wahaha. LOL..)

Will my tears please go back.. 4:00:00 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I just came back from the ecp bbq and i'm blogging while waiting for my hair to dry. It was quite fun hanging around with this bunch of stupid monkeys. I mean, we know each other well enough that not much explaination is needed for some things. Woolala. Didn't eat much. I went over abit too late (after tuition) Simple bday song and the weather start to be a little unstable. Those about to rain but not raining cold strong wind weather. After all the food and drinking, we went into a pavillion and started playing crap games. This is most probably the funniest time of 21 we played. We're in a kind of big group and all were on for card games and almost all wanted to play with $$ so we all joined in. Play somewhat small small and i guess i win back the bbq money and the breezer money. Yipeeee!!

Her delicious cake. But i was too full to finish it.

After which, those staying overnight people (me included.) played stupid games and we started to use the cards to find out about relationship. Learned how to do it so that i can play that often. It was so accurate for mine that i find out about. It was also accurate for those that we tried. Using the skill to let people play with it as i guess most people would be interested in this too.

Okie. My result for me and him!! Haix haix haix. =P (Not that bad though. Just not that to my liking too.) Not writing what the result means here. Wahaha. If you people who reads my blog want to give it a try, bring a deck of poker to me and ask if i could spare 5mins of my time. It's really quite accurate to what i see.

Oh. Before my sis went out just now, we tried it's accuracy. For her, the first method was like crap and useless (for me i think that is just something to let people be happy about.) but the second one is super accurate. She wanted to keep 'playing' but she's in a hurry to go for tuition. Thus, we're continuing it later at night. Wahaha. I confirm she got addicted to it.

Okie. I guess i'm going to go sleep first. My dad's bring me to food expo later. Yeah~~ Yum yum. Should be able to expect posts about food for the next. Wakakaka. Maybe could meet some friends there. Good nights. (o^_^o)

8:45 pm..
Just came back from food expo. Super squeezy. Feel so dumb now to think that maybe could meet some friends. So impossible. It's too crowded there. But feel so happy that once i see something i want to eat just buy and eat it straight. Packet some things home and bought a certain amount of tidbits. (Wahahahaha.. =P) I feel so full now. Though i slept and wake around near 6, i still feel super tired. So sleeping soon. Nights.

Will my tears please go back.. 9:42:00 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009

Okie. I realised it's been a week since i blogged. Let me roughly blog something out of boredom now.

Monday- To jordan, it's our monday blues. So, we didn't start on our project at all but slacked. I spend my whole day at Cassandra and Denise lab, playing facebook and so on. It's quite fun looking at all the stupid questions and answer together. Went home 'on-time' but wasn't in a very good mood as i started emo-ing about this and that.

PS: I realise we're kind of different in some ways. I feel kind of guilty for laughing when he tells me he wants to cherish every moment with his family. Sorry. I guess i laughed more to myself that i always wanted to cherish but i didn't have any choice to choose from or be able to. (I'll still continue to try though) I cooked dinner that day. But only i was at home to eat a meal for the whole family. Went to tuition, cheered up a little that when i reach home, the dishes that i cook were gone.

Tuesday- Nothing special. School start to catch people wearing shorts, 3/4s or berms. At start, everyone was thinking why we could wear skirt but not shorts? Will it save our legs by doing that? But in the end, i realised that it was for the formality and neatness. =_= My whole wardrobe was full of shorts!! I miss them..!!!!

PS: By the way, i wore skirts that day and was lucky to escape a warning letter. I realise that i should be less concerned about little details and be more like me. In that way, maybe i would be noticed more. Should be trying to wear skirts through the week.

Wednesday- I tried a new method to go school. Wake around 15mins earlier, take the bus 15 without crossing the bridge, let it loop around at marine parade and to school. It was so much better! I'd seats through the whole trip. Cool! But that day was special. There seems to be not much people taking bus thus, bus reached early at 8.20. Lol.

PS: I didn't know my timing was so accurate. I always thought the bus i take will make me late. But outcome: It was the bus that i always want to take but miss.

Thursday- Was super fun to see people board bus like some army of ants from the bus point of view. Lol. Mean. But true. Didn't know how it feels like up till now. Went sugar loaf for lunch. Not that nice. But the desserts were super awesome. (I've sweet tooth) I find the desserts quite nice and cheap. But the food-- Erm.. Ya you know, fish's abit dry, speg's abit hard and so on... Super lazy to post pictures so if please go see my facebook for those. (Maybe i'll post them when i have the time to) Went to celebrated mum's chinese bday, fangqi's early a day bday and sis graduation day. Went to eat outside. So nice and full. Walked over to play the swing with her and sit there to chat until some time late before walking her to her bus stop. Went back home and dropped died almost immediately.

PS: The bus i took back seems to have some problem and keep ceasing it's engine a few times. It was quite funny that no one dared to talk when the engine dies away. But still, i reached home safely and on time for the celebrations.

Friday- Met my pri school friend whom i don't even know his name and chatted through the trip about nothing much than school school school. School was super boring today!! Okie. I got 'niam' by jordan for not doing what i said i'll do but outcome, he didn't do his too. (*roll eyes)

My hunches for things were normally quite accurate only when i think things in a opposite way, meaning to contradict my own thinking by 'It's impossible, it's impossible' then the thing will become possible. Isn't it somewhat like the people who live upstairs playing a fool with my thinking? Hmm. (Okie. This is just some random stuff.)

After lunch, went over to find jiamin. (jordan's girlfriend) They were at the sports hall playing badminton and i played for a while. It was so difficult to play wearing skirt. I couldn't catch much drop ball as i'll 'chow geng' thus just play some hitting the shuttle with a racket with jiamin's friend. After which, rush back and continue with project.

Going over to ECP later for BBQ. So that's it for the mo. =)

PS: I didn't know what happen but he seems to be in a rush or look abit angry and left almost in a hassle when it's still early. I don't really know what guys are thinking anyway and i hate the feeling of not knowing things. However, it's not something of a range that i can meddle or complain with.

That's about it. Continuing night's post again. (I admit i blog the whole week's worth of posts is due to boredom.)

Will my tears please go back.. 3:17:00 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Went out shopping with Jie.. Met so many familiar faces in one day!

Went to parkway after helping my dad with lunch, CURRY!!! Yummy~~

But went to parkway and ate pastamania. (LOl) and found out that the pasta card i had have 15% discount!! Not so bad.

Met my bestie's ex ex ex boyfriend(not a good guy) and found out i don't really have the mood to say hi but he keep staring at me. Hello~ I'm not an alien. Outcome i ignored and maybe showed some bad face un-intentionally. Opps..

Walked around, shopped, and i thought i met some guy i know but my sis contradicted me by saying i saw the wrong person. Well, i saw the person close up and my sis was right. I saw the wrong person. I didn't know that guy at all.

Again, while i was looking at some ear ring, i saw from far (at around best denki) someone that look very much like derrick. My sis contradict me again by saying that i keep having illusions today. But, i met the real him outside Levis and got the shock of my life. It was so stupid!! I was like : WAaaAAaaAAAAA~~~ 你嚇到我!! (I'm sorry.. I prefer 'fan ti' words than 'jian ti')
It was super embarassing. I got shocked by seeing him close up, not expecting to see someone i know to be right in front of me. My stupid sis just keep laughing from aside. Exchanged some small introduction (my parents.. my sis.. ) and we left. I was still pretty embarrassed for getting shocked and maybe shock them too for my stupid reaction. (o*_*o)

After which, the skirt that my sister like and want to buy was out of stock at PP and only available at T1, so we travelled down to Tampines. Realised how long bus 15 is even though it's not a peak hour. Seriously reconsidering my plan of looping bus 15 from my house.

Shopped at Tmall. Met hardworking grace, larleen and yessy studying at starbucks. Looking at them, i just think of how i even manage to clear my exams. Even if i study outside, i will eventually side track and lose concentration. Hmm..

At the same place, some guy called my name and ask if i remembered him. Stunned for awhile before realising he's 'hiak tao' (okie.. I didn't know how to spell his name but the pronuanciation should be correct.) Why did i stun? My sis asked me how i know him, after thinking for a long time, i don't know how!! It started from secondary. We were never in the same class before. Well, it's the past and no matter how i think, i wouldn't know. Chat for a little while, he went into jc.. So good.

Anyway, shopped for a few nice clothes. Yeah~~ Went home for Curry. Super nice!! But perspired all over. Whoo! Shiok~ =P

That's about it. Slept late due to full stomach. Hehe..

PS: Super happy!! Lalalalalalalalalala.. Hehe. ^^

Will my tears please go back.. 10:07:00 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Jordan's bbq day, shared with some people and bought a puma belt for him. So not worth it. He keep complaining about why buy him a xray belt when he have so many belt already. Idiot!! =_=''

Abit sian abit fun. His friend teck heng is the joke of the day. And this time, my all time speciality crab meat failed due to too cheappo a brand crab meat bought.

Jordan's stupid bimbotic not so close girl friends were super irritating!! They came late, complain about everything on earth, did nothing when packing up and still dare to request for seperate celebration with the rest due to the un-friendly-ness with the rest of the people. I mean if they at least do something we wouldn't be that un-friendly right. They just sit and stare. Who don't know how.. But anyway, the so call VIP and his gf's standing on our side. (We discussed it after eveything-->It's super obvious of who's right who's wrong.) Btw, i gave them enough face by still smile at them without saying anything and that's my greatest tolerance. =)


Watched midnight 'Night at the museum 2' with everyone that night and it was super funny to see those that drank to be awake and those that didn't drink to be asleep. Why?? (There must be something wrong with the alcohols.) Critics: Not as nice as i expect it to be after the first.
Took cab home and slept.

A long long list of movie tickets. One whole row!! Wahaha..

Woke up at around 4 pm!! Start to prepare to go back to the same place again for LQ's 21st birthday chalet.

Reach at around 6 plus, walked to the wrong chalet. I walked in to downtown chalet then i realised why the numberings of it were all 4 digit ones when LQ's only 2 digits. (I didn't drop in a dollar as the entrace were without any staffs when i wanted to get in.)

In the end, i figured out myself that it was costa sand resort. So smart of me. In the end, other that LQ's gf and friends and relatives, i'm like the so call earliest one among all. Turned out, all our club people that he invited, at least 10 of them went into downtown chalet and donated a dollar to it. I feel so smart after hearing that. Or should say i'm lucky~~

His cake was super big!! I want to have my own 21st birthday chalet too!!

It was humongous la.

But so nice.

He look really dumb holding on to the balloons. But who knows, that might be his last chance to hold them. LOl..

I don't know when i took this.

WAHAHAHAHA!! Eugene look really really dumb like that. Just posting for fun!!

The people from the opposite chalet start to throw their birthday boy into the pool, we saw and follow suit. Exchanged birthday song with them and ran as the security came after. And poor LQ received a warning from 1 for being thrown in. Aww..

More and more people start to come and the place is super crowded. The 4 graduates from before came!! Well, they change regardless of dressings or topics. =/
Didn't really have much fun myself. (Felt some gap in between) And her yu was so sensitive that he found out. Still as caring as usual. Thanks for the concern, i'm fine.

Went home at about 10 plus and reach home before 12. Can't really believe it myself. (I went home early!!)

That's about it. Tata..

PS: Nothing much.. i don't like this at all. Out of a sudden, randomly, i felt left out. Lame!! =/
Haha ha..

Will my tears please go back.. 11:58:00 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm pretty pretty bored now. Doing nothing.. Ok, not doing nothing. Blogging with Cassandra's pc, sitting in her lab. Why am i here?? Well, Denise and Cassandra have the urge to watch 'so you think you can dance??'. So why aren't they in their own lab?? Well, Cassandra's pc seems to have some damaged sound system which she cannot listen to anything at all. (The pc's trying to keep quiet for her. =P) Although Denise's pc had to ability to produce sound but it can't play any videos at all. Thus, they tried to find some way out by going up to my lab to watch it. So smart of them.

I got bored witht the show. Not because i don't like dance variety show, but i'm just very tired that i can't keep staring at something with only two ear piece for 2 and it's like we're pathetically sharing and well, i just got bored with silent movements so, i moved down to at least have a pc to do something.

Ok. What happened today, am i late?? Nah, i was way to early..!!! I reached school around 8.15 like that. Sooo early..!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

After school, rush down to woodlands to meet babe and her dad to celebrate her dad's b'day~~ Had a sumptuous dinner!! Sing a simple song for him, slack for some time at her house and went back. Reached home around 11 plus.. Tired~~ Getting into bed!! Ciaos..

PS: Star light star bright. Please make my small wish come true.. =) edited at 12.12am

Will my tears please go back.. 4:48:00 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I've done the stupidiest thing ever today! Why do i bother to rush at all. I missed about 5 buses after changing 2. And in the end, i still got into a bus 15 from kaki bukit bus stop. My bus reached tp first bus stop at around 8.57, and poor me have to start running as fast as i could across the bridge.

When i reach the bottom, a somewhat big sized girl stop abruptly in front of me and i bang onto her and 'rebounded' a few steps back. Well, i'm about to be LATE!! So, i continue to run but i didn't see a 'curb' on the floor, kicked it straight and tripped over, kneeling down..

It was super embarassing!! The bus stop were like quite full and almost everyone saw me. Well, i left like 2 mins.. Thus, i pick myself up and start dashing again, with the freaking hell pain.

It was like the first time i fell down since years ago. Embarassing~~

Sended the rendered avi file to the smrt staffs. Waiting for the reply. Our supervisor scolded the both of us 'no manners' for acknowledging the guy's name straight when he is older than us. Jordan's reply: "Aiya cher.. He's a young adult. Never mind wan la.."

Went to teach tuition. He got full marks for his spelling!! Yeah.. My small effort paid off. Wahaha..

Pretty tired.. Goodnight.

PS: The sky's clear from stars. The weather's hot and stuffy. I wanna sleeep.

My leg hurts. Both knees have scratched scars and they hurt when in touch with water especially. They have scars now. D=

Will my tears please go back.. 11:54:00 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

I super super super hate this day of each month. I feel so uncomfortable. My stomach pain like hell.. Having super bad cramps. Crap. Pain!!

I endured it the whole day though.

Question: Do you ever think of being a guy??
Answer: Whenever i'm having my menses..

Practically did nothing today. Well, what do you expect me to do anything when i'm not feel well and all, keep debating with myself whether by standing or sitting makes me feel better.

Skipped meeting today. Well, don't blame me.. =P The reason's partly because i know all about the meeting and the camp details already.. Partly also because of my cramps..

It's not exactly because i don't want to miss my bus ok?? Stupid LQ. =_= (you are not forgiven yet! --You should know what you're not forgiven for.)

PS: Why only girls need to suffer. Super un-fairness. (Guys who don't put themselves in our shoe suck--> Btw, i'm not pin pointing anyone at all.. Just a quotation. Haha.)

Will my tears please go back.. 6:26:00 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yesterday, i went to dohby to meet my club members for a camp meeting. Sitted at Xin Wang for quite long, but in the end, everything was settled.

We bought midnight ticket for the ramen girl and waste our time slacking, hanging around, playing lame games till the time is up.

New declaration.. I hate the stupid game called truth or dare or even truth game and i will never ever play that stupid game anymore!!! Find myself so dumb for even starting the game.

Critics for the ramen girl. Not too bad, not as romantic as i expect and not as nice too. One good thing though. I understand most of the things without really reading the sub. =)

Went home super late by clashing cab with yessy and davin.

Woke late this afternoon. Went super market with dad and i think the store of food we have now is ready and prepared for the war to come now.

Felt super lazy to even start to animate out something that we that we supposedly need to send to the smrt staff tomorrow. Haix..

PS: Dumb.. Stupid.. Idiot.. Had a bad dream. But it isn't uncommon at all. Lol..

Will my tears please go back.. 7:12:00 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Time: 4.52pm
It's super super boring now. It's almost clock out time but not yet clock out time. *Rolling eyes* "Grrr" There's like 3 female teachers in my lab now which means, i can't commit to my 'usual mischiefs'. Hehe.. (o^_^o)
They are here since after lunch time!! Oh my~ *Rolling eyes* *Rolling eyes* *Rolling eyes*

Signed up for a workshop that i need to pay for which supposedly allows me to be able to find a job in future. Chosen the date to be 9th and 10th June which means, two more days of my term break's gone. *Rolling eyes* Haix...

There's still more things coming up. Some not comfirm yet. Updating soon.

As i'm super bored, went down to queue up early. (Abit kia su..) But, i'm tired of missing my bus and have to wait till near 6 before boarding a super packed one. I might as well go downstairs early so as to catch my bus and can reach home at 6, if lucky - with seats!!

In the end, i did not miss my bus. Wahahahahaha. Happy~~

WuFeng messaged me to go watch movie wiith him. Original plan with to ask piggy along. But after hearing that i'm free today due to her ps-ing me, we just agree to meet up around 7 plus. Went home first before leaving to meet. I am not late this time. Haha.

Took mrt to meet him and this was like the first time i took mrt after i started doing my project. Well, it's a good chance for me to take the pictures that i need. So, i just uses my phone to take whatever i see that i missed out for my animation. Oh my, super embarassing. Finally realise what Mr Oen (my supervisor) told me when he took some pictures for us. He says he's like a terrorist taking pictures of the interior, planning where to put his b**b.. Lol. It's not that extreme for me. I just feel like i'm a kid that never took mrt before. But, i'm just glad about what i did because i found out i missed so many details for my animation.

Went to dohby, bought tickets and shopped around. He keep telling me about what ring he wanted to buy for his gf. Gee thanks man. That's like the most suitable thing to say about to someone single!! Lol.

Passed by some shop like inQ box but not, whole shop were all cute things and all. Saw this bear bear keychain that looks really really cute. Comes in two colours - pink and white (Gosh! my fav colour), $6.50 each. It had words writen on it. Something with what love you whatsoever. Don't remember. But it's super cute! Wanted it soooo soooo soooo soooo much. But as the time for the movie is starting and we need the toilet, i just walked away. Regret sooooo mmuch for not buying it when i'm in the theatre. Need to go back some time to go buy. Really really love bears and that key chain's super cute!!

Watched x-man wolverine. Not bad. Realise some things that i didn't know about x-man originally. Cyclops' still as handsome and wolverine's just hot. Kind of sad that the wayne become some experiment XI in the end. Kind of like him as his cool at start.

Show finish at 11.30, dashed all the way to mrt for last train. I HATE my new ez-link card. There's like $2.66 left and i can't tap in. Flashed 'please top up your card'. IRRITATING!! Especially when i'm in a hurry. Have to top $10 first. Finally, catch the train to marina bay and change at city hall. And i just nice, caught up with the last train back. Pheeow~~ Super tired and shag. Original plan was to do animation. In the end, fell asleep while reading my bedtime story. That's that. Tata.

PS: Today's kind of special.. Hehe.. (o^_^o) Not because i go out with someone who keep telling me of his lovey dovey stories. (No complains there)

Mood: Jubilant!! Wahahaha. =P

Will my tears please go back.. 11:58:00 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm Lucky today! Clock in at 8.59.26. Pheeeow~~

However, no matter bus 15 this morning, bus 8 while i change bus and bus 15 when going home, i missed at least 1 of each today. Haha!! Not late for school nor tuition. So no complain.

I forgot to print papers for my stud again!! But still, i found ways to teach him without. So smart. =P Anyway, off to do my project. Tata.

PS: Spending time like free.

Will my tears please go back.. 10:33:00 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009


I admit that i i broke down this morning in lab when i reach about 15mins earlier and i found myself alone in the big empty lab. I start thinking and brooding about things that happened and after controlling my emotion since last night, my way to school, the trip on the bus, i seriously broke down. I admit that i hate the neighbour sitting 2 chairs away from me for reaching school on time, spotting me crying. At least he got the sense to avoid and left immediately after dropping his bag.

I admit that when someone ask me why i'm so sad today i lied that nothing's wrong or i just yawned as i can't be bothered to explain or should say i don't know how.

I admit that i fake smile, laughter to everyone i talked today including my friends even though deep down i don't feel like it and is feeling extremely low and sad.

I admit that whenever i reach home daily in the evening i felt lonely when there's no one at home until dinner time. I don't feel like switching on the lights even though i don't like the dark as i hate to pretend that i'm not the only one at home. I rather act as though there's no one. It makes me feel better. What's more, i don't find a need to on that many lights when i'm the only one at home.

My sis asked me to call my mum to ask on her as she have to teach tuition and my mum called her complaining about her feeling low.

I admit that i felt angry, sad and hurt when i called my mum and ask whether she's alright and the only reply i had was that she's busy and wasn't free to be on the phone and hung up, not bothering to even call back. I mean why? I hate it when people do this to me. It's not like i get to see you daily. You only come back at around 1 or 2 plus am daily and normally i will be asleep. I even stayed awake till late night so that i can have the chance to even talk to you about something but normally you just seems totally uninterested. I don't blame you for working late or even being tired. I also know you are angry and sad too. But at least some little gesture or a warming smile or even the tiniest joke will do. Even i'm 18, i might need them too. Just to let me feel a little that i'm still connected with you will do, instead of just missing each other daily. Is it that difficult to show concern?

Shit! I feel that i'm like a mummy's girl complaining about lack of love. But, i just don't want the history to repeat that i just refuse to go home early, reaching home only around midnight so that i can just go to bed avoiding everyone. And what did i do daily? Just loitering around till the time is up. Well, i've grown up and wouldn't be that childish anymore. Forget it. I guess ignoring everything including my own feeling will be better and easier for me. I just need to pretend and that's all. I don't like this thinking at all. But do i have a choice? I guess the answer's NO!

PS: I'm so not like myself.. Wahahahahaha. I can't seems to laugh at all. I feel that i'm so fake!!
Oh well.. Big deal!!

Will my tears please go back.. 8:09:00 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Haix.. Today is the worse day ever.. Although it's a ph, got woke up by the 'songa' downstairs. Here i am, minding my own business, doing my project, some auntie neighbours came over and play mahjong. Today's suppose to be Mother's day, even though we celebrated with my real aunties (mum sisters) yesterday, today suppose to be the actual day.. But, when my mum came home, she's not happy with what she saw and dragged my sis and i along with one of my auntie and cousins to go eat outside. And when we went home, haix.. whatever.. stopping here.

PS: I don't even want to care about anything anymore. Whatever. And if people want to avoid things, go ahead. I don't even want to care. It's just mean some cowardly act to me.

Not in a good mood at all.

Will my tears please go back.. 9:24:00 PM

Thursday, May 07, 2009

ECP is still the best-est place ever for me.. My forever fav! Haha. Went over there with piggy and totally, relaxing-ly chatted to our heart's content. Wahahaha. Felt so much better when i'm by the beach, listening to the sound of the wind and the sea.

Jordan's sick today and went back before lunch. It's even more boring without him nagging beside, complaining about this and that. Lol. (Hope he's just having a normal cold.)

Tried my best to do continue my project, tried to do the outside of mrt train as jordan completed the interior. Tried my very best but was stuck some where for sooo long that i decide to give up in the end and pass it on to the sick. =P

My teacher told me today that smrt gave us a schedule to meet their requirements weekly. So, that means cannot slack too much already. =_=" Haix.

PS:Boring day..

Will my tears please go back.. 11:20:00 PM

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Pretty bored today.. The day seems to pass quite slowly today. (LQ agrees to it too!)

Finally started on my project. Did a door! Lol. My teacher came by yesterday telling us that he would like to see what we have done and he wants to sign our log book all on friday. There's still some time but we hope to do more to cover up for the 2 weeks plus we wasted. Haha.

Went to teach tuition just now, realise that he likes books like 'henny penny'. Decide to slowly introduce Enid Blyton to him. Taught him how to do heart shape with straws so that he can give it to his mum on sat. In the end, he still don't really know how to do it but requested more straws for the next lesson. (Need to go some place steal some straws for him.. Lol.. =P)

Btw, he did all the homework i gave and wee pretty well done. Kind of happy.. Lol.
That's about it. Tata..

PS: The moon is bright and there's not much stars..

Will my tears please go back.. 11:13:00 PM

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I don't know what happened to me. However, i'm really really in a foul mood today. I don't even feel like smiling at all. Kind of emo too. I feel like reliefing myself but i can't seems to be able to do it. I wanna go to the beach.. So that i can be able to turn back to my old self. I don't even know what i'm thinking or typing. Forget it. Stopping here. Tata.

Will my tears please go back.. 11:24:00 AM

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Always wanted to change my blog skin but wa too lazy to do the job and finally, A New Blog Skin~!!! Yiiipeee~~~~ Looks much more nicer, a black theme that i always wanted and it's as simple as me. Edited some of the wordings, font sizes and colour myself.. Feel kind of pround for it. (Never edit too much la. Hehe. But is something.) Unable to add in music as i think my blog have problem for imeem as no matter what link i put, my music will end up playing 30sec only, sometimes from the start, something the ending. Never a full song anymore. I wonder why.. Added in a poem.. Hope he could see. =P

Well, I realised that there are a lot of people whom i know reads my blog!! It's a happy thing for me.. However, please leave a tag for me.. I would reply you people you know.. Don't read already and ask me questions related to my post. You should know who you are. (Not only one person) All are welcome to tag. Let me know some comments of my posts too. =) Btw, if you want me to link you, leave your link for me as well.. As you can see, my friends' corner is kind of pathetic. Haha

Went out with my sis, to let's see.. 5 different malls!! As, some place have what i want, some place have what she wants..

Bought an Everlast shoe, not very special but i seriously need new shoe as i have to wear it every single day for my attachment is in lab!! Couldnt help it. But it was simple and kind of nice. Not really what i wanted but it's something to last till i really finds one that i really like. Lalala.

Ate at Kenny Rogers

Well, we started eating than i decide to post about this. Maccoroni & cheese. Not that bad, super thick Nacho cheese.. However, it is super super sinful and i got so sick of it after awhile. Outcome my sis loves cheese so... ...

Bought the pink perfume.. The bottle is so cute. A heart shape with a ribbon tied on it. I like the smell (so nice and sweet, as i liked) and the name of it. It's called Fairy Wish.. So magical.
The blue one is named piece of peace.. Smelled kind of oceanie.. But too mature a perfume for me. Haha.. Super love it!!

Ps: My hunch didnt come true.. However, always looking forward for miracle to happen!!

Will my tears please go back.. 10:21:00 PM

Friday, May 01, 2009

I took up a a student this week and today was my first lesson. He's a primary 1 student, quite cute but his attention spend abit short. I have to teach him 3 subjects. All i have to do is go through his spellings, go through test papers and also read him story books!! His chi is quite strong, so i don't have to go through so much for it. He lives near at Eunos so i just have to walk over. Tata.

Will my tears please go back.. 10:35:00 PM


Temasek Polytechnic


I watch him from a distance
I love to see him smile
I wish that one day he would be mine
And not only for a while

I wish that I could tell him straight
To have the courage to say,
“I love you and I wish that
your feelings were the same”

My heart beats as he comes towards me
only to walk on by
I’ve to tell myself he’s only a friend
and keep as calm as possible, or otherwise

I wish, I dream, I hope, I yearn,
That we could be together one day
And I would make him see
that I am his only one.


Him!! (Opps =D)
My Family (*Sis)
C-GALs (& their bfs)
Sleeping (everyone sld noe)
Eating sweet stuffs (yum..)
Shopping (not a big spender)
Day-dreaming (me & my own world)
Loves ALL of the above


Him again =P
driving license!!
Overseas dream fulfiled
better grades this sem


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