Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Just went back from my camp at Kahang Koref Malaysia. It was super tiring, but i've a feeling of satisfaction and i made some new friends.
Day 1
I walked from my house to the new MJR. So sickening!! If only it moved earlier, i could have walked to school everyday and finally get the chance of those who have school super near whom doesn't need to wake early for travelling. UrggH!! Anyway, at first i was super noob. Afraid that i would get lost and be late, i trail behind some juniors and tagged along till i reach MJR. Abit stupid but efficient. I reach school on time.
Then the other instrutors gathered at the canteen and start to learn about our bus allocation and the group instructors, blah blah blah. I was assigned as a group instructor and a bus IC of 3F, a last express class just like i'm in last time. So, i hope we could get along well. Thus, being as blur as i can be, i'm quite lost at start. Met some familiar MJR teachers. Miss them soo much. Hugged with Ms Yvonne Tan. She's not following her class as we are going Malaysia and she have a baby to look after. Aww. While we were still at the parade square settling stuffs, Mdm Ernie who pass by me to say something through the mic out of a sudden grab me and say 'Eh! aren't you from MJR too?' and she smack my ass. OH my. I'm wondering how could teacher's mind be so good that they could remember most students face!! Well, i know i'm quite not a good student, but to remember me even though she never teach me before, it's something! (But i'm not glad that i'mthat popular as i don't remember people and names that well. )
Board the bus with tohwee, john and david my partner. David and i were first timers thus we leave most the things to brief them about to them. Anyway, Mr Lim who say his a formal DM (I thought he's always a DM) was with our bus. So, there isn't any crowd control to talk about actually. Pass through both customs swiftly, though the last to leave but not the last to reach.
The manjusrians were told to pitch their tents, learned that they went obs the previous year, thus they pitch their tents super fast. The time taken for Manjusri to finish pitchong all their tents were 15 mins. We had lunch first and gether and from now on, it rained heavily which blurs vision which forces us to hold the activities from going on. The manjusrian were super cut-off sprit. And some intructors still forces them to behave and complain about their behaviour. Just think. You come for a camp happily expecting to have fun with activities and so on but out of a sudden it rain. It's so turn-off. Who would still want to listen.
Gathered them all, had a talk by toh wee and geovenn for them to understand the rice cultivation as they have lots of worksheets to fill in with. Decide to seperate the classes for them to have campfire prep and we group instructors control. It was a mess. The noice of the rain were to loud to overcome. It lasted sometime and when the rain start to lighten, we decide to ask them wear their ponchos and continue with all activities. This lasted till dinner. Then they continue with their night walk.I followed in and the first time you wal in it was kind of creepy.
After which, around midnight where the activities that day reach an end, they have to go back to their tents to sleep. Poor manjusrians, their clothes and bags and tents were soaking wet. My group keep complaining to me that they don't have any dry clothes to wear. Anyway, the instructors had a debrief and the first tim in the toilet was... The toilet is a place which gathers the insects. They didn't disturb us though. The water was super duper
Cold. It takes time to get use to it. Went to canteen to list to azad and dom's crap and bull, decide that i couldn't take it anymore thus lie and my bed and drift away.
The above was what i typed directly when i return from camp. However, due to laziness, i didnt continue on.. =P
Will my tears please go back.. 10:11:00 AM
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Met up with my fellow club peeps. Went to cineleisure. Not a day with very nice weather. Rained cats and dogs halfway when i was rushing over. Wear nice nice and got wet. (Just a bit.. Lucky i brought umbrella.) Watched coming soon with them. So jealous that i didn't have a boyfriend to hug when watching horror. Kind of scary however there's funny scenes.
Went over to bugis for steamboat. Quite expensive for the varieties wasn't that much. However, it was comfortable and we enjoyed it alot. Tried to make the graduates cry but we failed this time. Took lots of pictures with our handphones (No one remembered to bring camera. I left mine charging at home D= ).
After that, around 11 plus, walk over to some haji lane place see people smoke (sishar?). The others wanted to try but decide not in the end as the girls wasn't that interested. Laugh the hell out thanks to my two bodyguards for entertaining me.
Went to Mac back at bugis to jalan jalan. Also laugh the hell out as we took turns saying lame jokes and stupid Q&As.. End up needing to go home after 12 plus. Luckily there's still a last bus for me to go back. My dad came to the bus stop to fetch me through the dark alley from the back of my house area. Slightly miss those times whereby there will always have people to walk me back home. lol. jus thinking too much.
PS: The clouds were forming up in the sky. Half covering the moon like those nights where bad things would happen. Nothing bad happened though. Miss you.Photo updating time..
Photos time!! See till your hearts' content..
Guys while waiting for the movie tickets to be bought.

Note: I look fat here.. Is my shirts that's fluffy okie.. And i'm not the shortest.. I bended down..

Females cam-whoring..

waiting waiting waiting..


All those in black.. My god.. Like black society outing..

The others' that's not in black.

Everyone in!!

While waiting for the show timing, the guys were hanging around, bullying the younger ones.. tsk tsk tsk..

The girls in circle.

That's my hand!! All of our tickets..

Dinner time: Steamboat!

The girls..

The guys. Not all are in the pic.

HerYu's appreciation card.

YiYuan's appreciation card.

JiaHui's appreciation card.

Gerry's appreciation card.

These were all the club member's hardwork.. Come back often guys..

The people eating forfeit. There'sstill davin. But we forgot to take his pic..
My Solo pic with everyone.





Mon (HerYu like so cheery.. And Eugene look kind of dumb..)







Eugene (why is LQ inside)
OMG!! Suddenly realise.. I forgot about grace!! Sorry girl.. Next time will remember to take with ya okie.. =P I think it's because you are busy helping gerry take pictures. Haha.

Abit dark.. But still can see..
Okie.. That's all for the pics..
Will my tears please go back.. 1:11:00 AM