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I wish that you were mine.
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Woke early again and went to nature dairy farm for meeting for the camp. Turn out to be so draggy and somewhat useless. Was treated as though this was my first outdoor camp. Quite a number f guys in total, just hope that everything would turn alright for the camp. Slightly looking forward to it as i'm paid for having fun. Have to go back on friday and head towards the campsite to have a rough idea of what it was like. When the draggy meeting finally ended, it rained. Took cab to ps and shop around abit and train home. Totally shag and drained. Slept almost immediately and woke in the middle and eat my so call 'dinner'. Read bedtime story slightly and slept again.

Will my tears please go back.. 11:59:00 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009

Exams are finally over. Saw hell from how i fair for my papers. Hope i don't go into hell when i receive my results and gpa for this semester. Saw truth and everything else too. Turn out - i might seriously flung.

Went to watch Marley and me with Jordan, Eric, Adam & Cassandra. Not bad a show. Quite funny and touching. I teared abit at the back and was disturbed by jordan for that.

The group of us went strolling along pasir ris park a little chit chatting bout this and that and somewhat remeniance of cas's funny past.

Went home around late night. Was totally exhausted when i reach home yesterday.

Woke up early and went swimming with piggy. Well, swim around 12 laps. Completely having muscle ache after that. Went shopping with my sis, got quite a number of nice apparels and watched He's just not that into you. It was a very nice show. Should go watch.

PS: I want to stop missing him. He was just not that into me. My chance just didn't come by and we seems to just miss one another. I should at least allow my brain some break time. I really do hate you you know... ...

Will my tears please go back.. 11:50:00 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Went Parkway to study with piggy for the past two days. Wed was in kfc and thurs in mac. (i prefer kfc) It was quite alright. But i keep thinking i have lots of time. I've already started preparing for it a few days back. Took lots of crazy pictures. Lazy to post though. Posting when i'm 'free'. We kind of slack off when ever we had a fullstop of the day off our revision.

Will my tears please go back.. 11:11:00 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

F*** My family's quarreling again. For what i'm not sure.. About evrything! Everyone is just in bad mood, everyone just can't understand that the other party's having bad mood too.
Quarrel Quarrel Quarrel.. Nag Nag Nag.. Shout Shout Shout..

I wonder when all these could end. I just hope that these wouldn't destroy my family. Felt that my heart crying too but no one could hear it.

Will my tears please go back.. 11:48:00 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today was V.day.. How ever, i didn't have a valentine.. Sad. A year had passed. And i still remember how sweet and happy i was back then on this day.

Threw away all my bad thoughts from the previous week and decide to start afresh. Well, i still believe. Right here waiting~~

Went to TPY to eat a friendship dinner. Kind of cool and nice to have such a gathering. Just that those couples all had flowers.. I didn't have any this year. Haix again.. Anyway, we lied to Wenn that her bday celebration was only the dinner and we all can't meet the next day.

Had so many activities on tomorrow. But sorry people, i can't come out of any solution to make everyone happy so i go on first come first serve basis whereby i really wish to go to all of the gatherings. Sorry people!!

When i reach home today, i found out that someone from my block attempted suicide. But it was unsuccessful.. Lucky the civil defence did a good job and succeeded rescuing the poor lady. Today was V.day. Confirm is something to do with guys.. Why can't guys be more gentlemen to girls especially when it's nearing V.day or on V.day?? (To that guy whom she was upset of-- you are lucky that the lady's still alive. If not you would be guilty forever. Please at least treat her better till she get over you.) Just reach home and i'm feeling so tired from lack of sleep. So, good night.

PS: A sudden feeling of loneliness. Feel like having a bf, how i wish i could celebrate this romantic day with you. (o^_^o)

anyway, i'm suppose to say it as ytd. But today will make my life easier.

Will my tears please go back.. 1:20:00 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Had a rather free day today, mostly revision lessons. Knowing that i still have projects that were half done, but i prefer to slow down my pace a little.

Been nick named as Bangawan solo again for joining the girls and go lecture. Had my cash card stuck in a atupid photocopy machine by ying haw for slotting it in even though the machine was not functioning.

When lesson ends, rush out of my class to hurry our to bus stop again and matthew said to me while waiting for the lift ' Kuai dian.. Bus yao pao le'. Luckily i think i didn't miss my bus. Saw him at the bus stop and we were given a nice lolly from a christian society and well, the lollys look super hard.. I didn't really dare to eat it as the color was ummmm. too..

Only till today then i realise how impossible and wishful my thinking is. Well, chit chatted with him and realise how far apart we still are. The silent moments were still there..

Maybe i'm thinking too much but somehow i can sense a tini bit of unhappy in him. Maybe it's due to his tiredness but our topic make it sounds as though we were trying to find something out when there's nothing really.

PS: why do guys always like to say the same things when asked 'why you never go find a girlfriend?'

the same answer 'mei you kong'.. whyyyy??

he got nudged and i wish to know why..

Will my tears please go back.. 6:58:00 PM

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Wasted my time not going to the first session of labtest. However, it's better as i had tips from the previous batch.

After my class, about 1 plus, went over to dhoby to meet piggy and surprisingly wenn and ps was there at ps. <- i like saying it this way. Ink heart was super nice. I mean for me. I like magical shows. Turn out to be of my liking. I like dust finger! Shopped around and went over adam's place to take music notes then adam and jordan came over my house and study till 12 plus 1 and went back. I wanted to continue study however, i surrender after 15 mins.

Woke up at 7 plus and head for my music common test. Conclusion: i flunged it. The girl beside me kep staring at my paper!! Irritating. What if i get wrong then she get wrong too? Trust her to trust a stranger. I wish her luck.

Went to CDC and book FTT again. My final decision was to enrol into school. My dad agreed to it so it's better for me.

Went to KK house majong. Ended up losing $1 after more than 3 1/2 hour. So tired!!

PS: It's so windy today. Make me feel colder than i'm suppose to be. I misses him and really wish that whatever i know from this morning will come true and is true. And whatever i don't really hope is to be untrue.

Will my tears please go back.. 12:57:00 AM

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I missed my bus again. I mean i'm already at the bus stop but the bus was full thus not stopping at my stop. So sad..! When i reach school, derrick was there 'weiqi.. miss bus ar..? kan dao ni eh.. wo zai bus shang mian.'. Wth.. Sad..

The outcome of my meeting skill test wasn't that bad. Turn out to be just fine. We had a B range. So it's fairly well.

When it's time for me to go home, i waited so long at the bus stop. Confirm is miss my bus again. I met a girl that i've seen only once before (my friend's friend.) and he was in the bus. I wanted to stand near the door so that i might have the chance to talk but in the end the girl push me up to the seats saying that there's space. Haiz.. But he was so cute sleeping while standing at such a crowded area. I admire people who can sleep beautifully, standing and without disturbing others at all. I couldn't.. =P

PS: Missed my chance though our timing's just nice. Haix..

Will my tears please go back.. 6:48:00 AM

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kind of relieve that i did not wear out of place for the event today. It's very successful.. Just as we're about to get bonded, the seniors are leaving already.

YiYuan dun cry.. 'L' will miss you.. Come back more often to visit us. =)

I can't find the other seniors to take picture with me. They still have lessons after the AGM..

Although the rest are not leaving 'yet', i just grab them and take picture as it is so 'nan de' to see them wear formal..
This is eugene.. He always like to 'chuk chuk chuk' people like we are small kitties..

This is mon.. He's as quiet as usual..

And this is LiQiang. He look so beng in this picture despite he's wearing formal..


Me.. =P

When i step in my class, it's so weird that my classmates were staring at me.. Do i look really weird? Or is it that it is so unusual or it's seldom to see me wear like that.. But, no negative comments means it's not bad.

When i'm heading to lt, met yinghaw and matthew they all.. So embarassing to walk past them.. Derrick was the first to spot me and was there 'WeiQi seh..!!' Then the rest saw me and the bunch of guys started to 'WA'.. So paiseh.. But they are just playing around as usual. I guess people aren't very used to me not wearing anything like me..

PS: I look so tall in those pictures.. Actually i'm wearing heels.. Not he guys are short. Haha.

Will my tears please go back.. 6:15:00 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Having lesson at 8 is a torture.. Especially when you are totally unprepared and shag. Didn't remember to bring ear piece for lesson(music) and we gotta chiong finish our music project.

Moreover, i still have BTT at 2pm.. So screwed..

Meet up with Piggy at 10.30 for breakfast and we so called studied a little. After which, we got bored and decided to find a playground and play. We went to the nearest one (with our favourite swing) and chit chatted about these and that.. Seems like she's having quite a lot of stress in school mainly from her peers.. Jia you ok? I'm here rooting for you.. Thing will go on just fine sooner or later..=)

Had my test and when i finished, i was confident but scared to face the results. Well, i passed. Lucky.. At least my hardwork pays off.


PS: Remember, i will always be here for you. love ya, muackxxx...

Will my tears please go back.. 9:09:00 PM


Temasek Polytechnic


I watch him from a distance
I love to see him smile
I wish that one day he would be mine
And not only for a while

I wish that I could tell him straight
To have the courage to say,
“I love you and I wish that
your feelings were the same”

My heart beats as he comes towards me
only to walk on by
I’ve to tell myself he’s only a friend
and keep as calm as possible, or otherwise

I wish, I dream, I hope, I yearn,
That we could be together one day
And I would make him see
that I am his only one.


Him!! (Opps =D)
My Family (*Sis)
C-GALs (& their bfs)
Sleeping (everyone sld noe)
Eating sweet stuffs (yum..)
Shopping (not a big spender)
Day-dreaming (me & my own world)
Loves ALL of the above


Him again =P
driving license!!
Overseas dream fulfiled
better grades this sem


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