Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Year this year was kind of quiet as compared to the past. Maybe i've grown up and that's why.
The Day before New Year Eve
Didn't realise i could be so hardworking. Had been doing househole chores as early as 2weeks ago. Stayed up till about 4 plus to do the rest of the clean ups needed to be done. So tired.. Body aching every where.
New Year EveThis year, we finish cleaning up early that my mum had the time to sit down and rest at about 7 plus after dinner were cooked (not like when we were young, a few years back, she always do house chores till late night even it's new year eve). Thus, this year she was extremely happy and was they saying 'all grown up already, know how to help..' Ate our usual shark fin soup and had a mini family confict of watching 'KongFu' or 'QueSheng'. In the end we just ended up skipping channels when the other was on advertisement until QueSheng ends. Tore open the new year hampers while waiting for New Year Countdown. Went outside to corridor to put 'Pao -i call bom bom' when the clock strike 12.. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!! Helped my mum pao ang baos and 守歲 till 5 plus am before i sleep. I'm the last! Actually i just had shows to keep me going on till i'm tired.

Cleaned up my room till so neat and tidy.. My bed keep attracting me to lie on it. haha (anyway, i shared beadroom with my sis.)

Shark Fin soup..!!! Doesn't look very nice here la.. But taste Super Delicious!!! Yummy Yumm..

The opening of new year hampers ceremony.. So much new year goods.. Gonna make me so fat again.. Oh No..
First Day.Usual routine, woke up at 8 plus however i'm not the first this year. My vein Sis woke first. Headed to YiBu house first than stayed over there till 2 plus than head over to GuMa house. They can't celebrate new year this year so we just go over to bai nian. After which head over to AhHui jie house than to YiMa house (abit confusing). Met most of my close cousins. At night time i join force with my Biao Jie Fu with the usual '輸了算我, 贏了平分'. Hehe. Played BanLuck and i took back around 30plus. I still thought we losing money till the end when counting than i know we won.
Before Setting off..

TaDa.. My own fashion parade. My brother say i look so nu ren. So girl girl. Well, when he says that it mean 'not bad, you look nice..' lol haha..

Opps, still me..

I started pulling every one to take picture with me..
My daddy and I..

My big brother..

My pretty sister..

My mummy.. Didn't get the chance to take picture with her. Haha

My parents.. So lovey Dovey..

My stupid sister outside the window..

My siblings outside at my corridor.

My mama taking picture with her pretty flowers..
Over at my Big auntie house (YiBu)

My niece and nephew were so cute.. These two were currently the sort of youngest ones. Look so much like grandparents and grandchildren.

So Cute!!

Not only my mum. We all took turns to take.. Too cute to miss..

He kept pushing it to a more obvious location before he climbs onto it. And he wouldn't allow his sis to snatch away his pig..
Funny Pics..

Shutter Specs..

Other than cute i've nothing else to say.. Ahhh.. She still knows how to push the specs back for us to take picture.

Two chinese maidens.. (Both my nieces)

So pretty.. Qipao is like the tradition that all kids would wear at least once for new year and on new year only..

We were like playing games ranging from all different kinds of range. I was super tired and had a hard hard time trying not to sleep..

They look so alike..

With one of my closer cousin.. She's definitly getting skinnier.. Eat More!!
My first day was so tired.. Once i reach home, without further delay, i washed up and fell right into my lala land..
Second DayWent to 'Long San Si' to pray to AhGong, AhMa first and went to DiKu house. However, he was at work thus we went SaYi house slack first then went to TuaKu coffee shop to bai nian. Realised that all my uncles and aunties were loud hailers that they don't even need microphones to project their voices. Lol. After eating went to SaKu house. Wanted to go over to BeiKu house however YiMa doesn't want to. Usual family conficts in between. My mum need to work in the evening and that ends our visiting early.. =(

The Black and White Devils..
Pictures taken at the temple..

My third auntie

My 全家福At my Big Uncle's coffee shop (TuaKu)

Front row: My Big Uncle(TuaKu), His Wife(TuaKim), My Second Auntie(DiYi)
Back Row: My Daddy, My Mummy, My Third Auntie(SaYi)Nerdy Pictures..

One of my cousin, My sister and I.
At my third uncle house(SaKu)

The aunties taking picture with the fasinating 牛盆栽
Over at my Biao Jie Fu house.. (Cousin's husband)My cousin then brought My siblings and i over to my biao jie fu house. The private gym and the home stereo were soo cool!! After dinner my dad and the aunties came over and we continues our BanLuck round 2. Took back home 10plus again. Lala..

His pond and pavillion were simply so beautiful!!

My brother playing with the 'bean bag' I tried to.. But all i can do is let it move a little and swing. If i'm not wrong that bag weighs 100 pounds..
His home gym is so much better than outside gym(DUH).. I mean it have all that we normally need to train and lose wright or keep fit. Too bad i stayed too far from them..
Third DayWent to school for netinfra project part 2. If only we know need VLAN, i don't even need to go school and can sleep longer. Had the meeting after lesson and went back home to take nap. Around evening my cousin send me to SiYi house, had dinner, join force with my biao jie fu again and won 10 plus at BanLuck. However, after someone suggested playing pairs, we lose back 50plus. But his usual '輸了算我, 贏了平分'. Thus, for new year i still won extra pocket money! Cheers. =D
Didn't take any pictures on this day so no picture to be viewed..
My new year still carried on... ... ...
Will my tears please go back.. 6:58:00 PM