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I wish that you were mine.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lalala.. Went to the same old place for chalet. (Downtown again!!) Met with those old school mates. Almost all were guys and i'm not really close with them. The guys were on and on talking about games, psp, blablabla all guys' and their gadgets. Took lots of pictures with fiona as we were bored so here's the pics..

Fiona and i were bored so we took loads of pics trying out different lightings and camera pixels. Only a few succeeded. The guys were very irritating disturbing too..

Impossible to post all thus only a few examples.. It was extremely dark there and alot failed due to the shadows covering our faces..

Better lighting, better camera.. Cheese~~

We start dragging people to take with us.. Haha..

My turn.. Well, he has become fitter especially wearing v-neck.. Thiam koon jiayou.. Train some more. (Dun worry.. You will have ur happy ending with her sooner or later.. Opps.. =P)

Hakim's turn.. He is soo tall.. (Should see zheng rong. He mus have grown few inches since graduation.) He's already sitting down. sniff sniff.

Fiona keep trying her very best to make him smile naturally. Well, not too bad.

She keep complaining abot her arms look big and fat whereas to me i see totally no diff. OMG..

See.. Same! But she's happier with this. It's soo fiona. Haha.

Wilfred getting "ji hong" with fiona thus i give him the chance to stand beside her and take a pic. =P Hehe..

Well, i got ps by 'somebody' thus i can only take pictures.. Part of the people present that night. The rest were still going on bout b-ball and so on.. *rolling eyes..

While in the room.. So this proves who's missing previously.

So, after getting bored with pics we went over to e-hub.. While passing by the downtown area, we spotted balloon runway..

Photobucket \
Pretty ladies dressed in balloon.. Can you imagine if it bursts?

There were so many of them with different designs. Some so sexy. And it was so freakingly hot over there and when thay walk there's the "yee yee or or" sound coming out of the balloons..!! I cant stand it. Wonder how much they earn to wear it.

There were originally a big group behind. But i think they disperse when their so-call 'director' says they could walk around taking pictures. Oh well..

She looks very pretty in the white princess gown like a white wedding gown too. But it looks so tight just like wedding gown. (take a deep breathe and hold there..)

We spot this place near e-hub. Like three pretty drawfs celebrating christmas walking on a christmas aisle.. =P It's Zihui at the right.

My personal christmas pose..

A framed picture of me..!

When we're leaving.. See how shag her eyes look. This proves how much sleep did we have. (Actually we slept the whole night. Esp. her)

KH, piggy and i went swimming early in the morning. It was so enjoyable. Long time never swim le. Conclusion: I still love sports and the cooling water. Haha. Ate mac after checking out. (Why mac again? Especially breakfast lor. Haix)

Guess i've put up all the nices pics and that's the end of picture viewing session.

Went to see doctor again for my cough. (Disturbing the rest through the night.. Sorry guys..) In the end doc went back already so i took medicine from the nurse.

I've watched 'wild child' already. Sacrifice my nap and went to TM and watch with my sis. She comment that it's ok only. But i find it quite nice and touching. The male actor inside soo handsome.. Real name: Alex pettyfer.. Something like that. Haha. But he's hot~! The night is so warm. Gotta sleep early. Bye~~!!

Will my tears please go back.. 11:08:00 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008

Love every friday.. Lesson super slack!
Let's see..

Well this kind of lesson were bound to attract bad students like me. So nothing interesting to post about thus decide to show the stupid pictures we took walking around the school. Mostly were sceneries, this and that, but i'm way to lazy to upload them all cause there were too many and i might spend 3 days to finish uploading all in thus only showing average pictures tt shows our face.

I was having mc like two weeks ago thus i didn't appear in any pictures they too for week 1. D: And my group didn't know that we could take human pics thus nothing much to show about thus only showing those taken when i'm there too.. (Well this is my blog.. =P)

While walking around the school


Could you see anything? Well we're suppose to take things with lighting effect what-so-ever so we took almost everything we could think about. So this were king of blur, Thus...


Take 2. This were slightly better well there's still take 3, 4 but they were useless as people keep walking pass us. So, we were force to quickly end taking pictures at this area.


Well, she was shorter, thus i gave her the honor to stand up there. =)

I can't remember which is which week. But by looking at the shirt the next few should be last week.


She was kind of high and this means YEAH..!! Haha..

In the toilet scenes


We were kind of lame and we took too many pictures of sceneries and this and that thus we start taking pictures in the toilet.. Hehe..


Take 2 - three Cam whores


Take 3. Well, can you imagine that we are that free. We got bored of this thus..


Caught in the act - Female version. We're kind of lame. But kind of fun.


Caught in the act - Female version 2 (the constipation type)


Caught in the act - Male version. (The standing type.) Erm, anyway i didn't walk into the male's toilet hor..

When we're in class


I realise i forgot to introduce thus, the three pretty ladies in front start the from the left were, Me, Zuraida, Cassandra. The only dumbest guy at the back was Jordan having the honor to be in a group of girls. Anyway he's one of us so it makes no difference. Haha.. OPPS.. (the one taking picture was only kind and funny teacher. ) I wasn't feeling well at all that day and expectedly i had fever through the weekend thus not very nice in the pictures where i'm wearling white.


As our teacher were teaching about angles, so this were one of it. (WE ARE STARING IN BLANK!!) lol.. Thus our smiles were kind of stone there and very fake and we are laughing cause we were saying things like there's a ghost taking picture in front of us which is actually refering to our teacher who's at the side. =P

Well these were picture of my lessons on friday. So tt's the end. More updates will come up in future feeling more of my classmates. hehe.. Tomorrow having a chalet. In the morning i'm going out with my cousins and sis to either the theme park or movies. Hmm.. Hard choice. But theme park is just there. My voice isn't really back yet. Still very sexy.. I wan to go K.. Haix.. Sure must after exams le.. Sad. Anyway stopping here. Tata..

Did a love life test thingy from fangqi and this is my result..

Your Heart is Feeling Safe

Right now, all is good with your heart. And you intend on keeping it that way.

Whether you're deeply in love or just looking, you know that your heart will be taken care of.

You never risk your heart too much, but you don't hold it back either. You know who to trust your heart with.

Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Getting a little too comfortable

Your current outlook on love: Calm and future oriented

Your love life will improve if you: Treat other people's hearts the way you expect yours to be treated

Watch out for: Taking the people you're dating for granted

What Is Your Heart Feeling?

The quiz link: http://blogthings.com/whatisyourheartfeelingquiz/outcome.php

Will my tears please go back.. 10:58:00 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Well, today's another fine day.. Short little time after school makes my day.. =P (Super high jus now because of a smile. lol ) At least we were close by. Surprisingly when i want to post about what had happen i'm lost of words. At least whenever i remembers it, it will make me smile. Just one feeling. Happiness! After tt went to orchard with sis, had a heavy dinner and tt ends my day. Exams coming so boring. But good thing is i only have 2 papers! hehe..

9 Dec - NetInfra
10 Dec - Digcom

Faster over and be done with, the better for me. But not really in mood to study. Today Zuraida and i were looking around our class to find smart ones tt can help and teach us study. Sadly, surprisingly, NONE!! Either those tt never attend lec (like me), those can't even save him/herself or those tt are highly impossible to study with us (too smart). How i wish my saviors were still studying the same subjects as us. Oh Well.. Must work a little bit harder this semester so as to enjoy my vacation fully. Term break wait for me~~!

Will my tears please go back.. 10:51:00 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OMG..!! Guess what? We travelled in the same bus again this morning. Super happy de.. lol.. He saw me and gave a nod which i guess is "hey" and i smiled back and mouthed out the word "hallo". Just a simple thing like that makes me have a super duper good mood for the whole day..!! hehe.. But oh well he's sitting with his friend.. But i some how found courage that this isn't as hard as i imagined. =D

Me having some fun during lab. They tried to do something behind my back.. Lucky my hp was kind of lag when taking pictures.. Haha.

While waiting for bus.. There's a lot of people around. But well he's not there, i don't know anyone around and nobody will notice anyway thus Cheese..~!!

Looks like i'm on tv..

Well, i kind of like the effect and pictures are free anyway thus TaDa!! And most importantly i didn't look fat.. Muahaha.. So nice no cars came by when i snapped the pictures..

After which i reach home, i took a nap immediately as expected. As i still have class in the evening, i cant sleep for too long. So, here i am blogging. FangQi sure very happy. (Can imagine her reading this..) Well, i realise in the end i did not eat anything except for the piece of bread this morning, thus i ate something.......

Jiang jiang jiang jiang.. TaDa..!! imagine me eating these little food without tidbits.. Haix.. It's kind of the healthy food week for me but too bad i did not follow it for the past two days so it officially start today! (I hope it will last) Hmm.. Ohh.. And during the past weekend, i worked out with 4 good points for not eating tidbits..

Good points for not eating tidbits
  1. It will not make me sick. (My mum decide that as i keep getting sick, so if i get sick again, she will start deducting my pocket money.. D; Thus i cant get sick any more..)
  2. It will help me lose weight.. (This is a positive one)
  3. I'll not have pimples on my face. (I get pimples easily when i eat heaty food)
  4. I can save money. (Which still means no tidbits)

Thus i am trying my very best to have self control but it's hard when you have a sister who can't control herself which makes you get very tempted when she eats. Lol.. Okie dookie.. Time for class if not adam will nag at me again. (I ps him for 3 weeks since i said i wanna go for lec) Can you believe me going to school jus for that? Well tata..

Will my tears please go back.. 4:48:00 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Went to Jordan house today. Did project so on so forth.. Boring day.. Haha.. Quizzz coming!! tml and thurs have. Next week also have. The week after got term test!! OMG! Getting busy soon le. There goes my relaxing days. Haix~~ But i still want a job. The best is the one where my Bestie is. Hope to get the chance to work with her.. Wish me luck..!!

Will my tears please go back.. 8:40:00 PM

Monday, November 24, 2008

I lost my voice and it was hard to speak. (But i still talked alot today) Should be because i cough too hard. (No choice) And people keep commenting tt my voice was sexy! Hmm.. TT isnt a complement. Haix.. I want back my voice..

He was just there. Yet so out of reach. His actions could control my heart. It'll be pain to fall at this state. I'll back off further just to not get hurt. Maybe it wasn't a right choice from start to allow my heart to drift off. i shouldn't have let myself fall in so deep...

Will my tears please go back.. 4:58:00 PM

Friday, November 21, 2008

We were co-incidentally in the same bus again. Is tt something called fate..? I really don't noe. He's jus at the bus stop with another friend when both of us went off from class at different timing. I still wasted so much time at the OSIP talk. My head hurts so much and i'm freezing cold since morning, i did not feel any better even after eating panadol tt we bought from cheers. Eric send me down to the bus stop as i am feeling so sick. And in the end when we reach the bus stop, my usual routine of look around finding whether he's there anot and noe what, he's right there waiting for the bus! But i was completely ignored again and didnt have the courage to say bye to him when i alight. Haix.. He was jus there and we were again complete stangers. Our eyes seems to be talking all the time and sometimes even stay fix at a point and both stared at the other. However please at least let me be filled with hope by telling me i did not jus imagine tt our eyes keep meeting and i wan to noe what it means instead of pure guessings. I will rather hear the truth directly from you...

Will my tears please go back.. 1:28:00 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today's kind of a long day.. Should be my time table's fault. Hehe.. Quite pissed during lunch bout BB club. But.. Forget it. Spoil my mood only.

Kind of depressing after school too. Not too sure whether it's because i missed my bus especially when he's on board or due to the fact tt i met him and linger for a few second causing me to miss the bus. Urgh..!! But in the end after meeting piggy, my mood start to change for the better little by little. (but dunno why my brain's going crazy 發花癡 {fa hua chi} thinking bout him the whole night)

Well, we went to suntec, target -> to buy head phone but, we kind of side-tracked and drift of to going in all shops whether electronics of fashion. lol.

We walk around the fountain of fortune (supposing to wish for wealth however i wish for romance and not surprisingly all related to him) Hehx..

Two girls 自戀 but look so romantic for the background.

After which we went to a kind of nice but poor service korean restaurant. In the end we finally found her pinkish head phone. Not bad looking thus i bought it too. =P It costs $29.90! Anyway, sorry wenn tt it's pink tt we bought. FQ keep going on bout sure get complained by you due to the color. (She (Wenn) has some problem with the color pink however the other one (piggy) loves it like crazy esp "hot pink" which i have problem with)

Tt's her with the new headphone

And tt's me!! I bought a same colored one as the rest doesn't attact me as much and the pink wasn't striking and hot thus i kind of like it.

We got thirsty and decide to chit chat at some nice place and we saw tt Gloria Jeans were quite empty and we orderd cuppichinno with caramel. Can you believe it tt i drank coffee? But my throat start to feel pain and dry. This proves it's so heaty..

Our two cups.

Mine look nicer. =P With a pattern lo.

Just recieve a touching reminder from the piggy. It was touching however, she's dumb enough to let me notice the surprise at 10 which is 2hrs ago. lol. But still i love you la. Dun angry ok? Dun spam my tag box ar. Haha. Kk stopping here.

Will my tears please go back.. 12:15:00 AM

Sunday, November 09, 2008

My blog has revived..!! kinda happy since i've waited for some time le.. Geatly thx to fangqi CHEERS.. (o^_^o) This few days i'm sick, haix Sad. Having on/off high fever staying at home recuperating. Kind of bored. But mostly sleeping. oink! haha. Lazy to post recent pictures. Maybe when there's something interesting than i'll blog ba. =P

Will my tears please go back.. 11:59:00 PM


Temasek Polytechnic


I watch him from a distance
I love to see him smile
I wish that one day he would be mine
And not only for a while

I wish that I could tell him straight
To have the courage to say,
“I love you and I wish that
your feelings were the same”

My heart beats as he comes towards me
only to walk on by
I’ve to tell myself he’s only a friend
and keep as calm as possible, or otherwise

I wish, I dream, I hope, I yearn,
That we could be together one day
And I would make him see
that I am his only one.


Him!! (Opps =D)
My Family (*Sis)
C-GALs (& their bfs)
Sleeping (everyone sld noe)
Eating sweet stuffs (yum..)
Shopping (not a big spender)
Day-dreaming (me & my own world)
Loves ALL of the above


Him again =P
driving license!!
Overseas dream fulfiled
better grades this sem


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